I apologize that it's been so long since I've updated. It's been so busy here, the seconds go by faster than I can count them. So let me explain what has been going on..."no, there is too much to explain. Let me sum up."
In the last blog I posted I said I had been reading Redeeming Love. Well, I finished it and it was awesome! Ironically, however, I have since pulled away from doing the children's ministry at TEC. They didn't really need me there and, although I have a natural Christian love for those children, I have never felt called to do children's ministry. I have, however, attended a meeting at the crisis pregnancy center and have had two appointments to begin training and working there. I showed up early both times and waited 30 minutes, but, for various reasons, the lady who was supposed to come work with me did not show up, so I have not yet done that. But I'm praying that this Tuesday, when I go again, it will finally work out.
I've been praying a lot about how the Lord would use me to do ministry among Peruvians. For a couple of months I've been thinking more and more about turning the apartment into a more visitor/guest friendly environment to host the many Peruvian friends I and the other singles who live in the apartment with me have been making. This week, as I was praying, a devotional suggested Romans 8:13 for further reading. I read it: "Practice hospitality." Couldn't be plainer. So, a day later, I did just that, hosting 15 people (half missionaries, half Peruvians) for a Taco salad dinner and a movie. It was awesome! I want to do it more regularly so some of my apartment-mates and I have agreed to do what it takes to save money to get the needed things (more couches, a big table, more dishes, etc.) so we can host our friends more often and hopefully be models of Christ to them as we deepen our relationships with them.
As always, I'm still working a lot with the MKs, teaching at the school, playing with them outside of school, and participating in activities with them. We've recently had a Fall Festival and gone to a Christian concert (a rare thing in Pucallpa!). We also continue to do things on a daily basis, such as play frisbee, plug in the stereo system and dance in the cafeteria, challenge each other in Dance Dance Revolution (like Guitar Hero, but with dancing), and spontaneous activities, such as "stealing" other teachers' sacred items such as a hair brush or ball cap, hiding them and turning it into a scavengar hunt. Good times! And, of course, we are still leading Wednesday night Bible study for the youth group-aged kids.
Other things I've done recently are participate in a missionary women's retreat where I helped lead worship, go water skiing and tubing on the lake at the missionary base 10 km away, and puppy/kid/house-sit for a family who had to go to Lima to get some paperwork done. I stayed with their 12-year old daughter and 5 week old puppy, just as a nice gesture, but they decided to pay me anyway...with 2 bags of shredded cheddar cheese from Lima!!! That's something you won't find in Pucallpa. I've been savoring every tiny mosel! :)
I tried to upload some pictures for you all, but my connection has been pretty weak today. I will try to put some up later. Happy Fall, everyone! God bless!